Ensure the safety of your apps using the battle-tested access authorization system

Try the fast-start authorization service which allows to get a multi-tenant authorization system inside of the application.

Get started

Building any Saas product is much slower as can be due to engineers wasting time on authorization functionality

Set up the user and permission management in minutes. Focus on your product's business value and save months of boilerplate development.



Granular resource-based access control
Cross-tenant resource sharing
Pluggable external IDPs

Don't let your custom authorization code hold you back. Decouple policies from the code for lightning fast updates and future proof your app

Policy debugging
Access audit
Permissions audit
Wildcard matching for principals, resources and actions

Control user access at any granularity: tenant-, user group-, resource group-wide, or individually with iamcore flexible policy language that supports wildcards

Open APIs and opensource SDKs for all mainstream languages

Built by developers, for developers, iamcore API and SDKs offer intuitive integration options for hassle-free authorization

Ready to try?